30~40 bar Oil-free Screw Air Compressor

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Air Pressure: 16~40 [bar], 232~580[psi], 1.6~4.0[Mpa]

Air Capacity: 2~28 [m³/min], 33~467[l/s], 71~1000[cfm]

Working Power: 22~310 [kW], 30~420[hp]

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  Screw Air Compressor Piston Air Compressor
30~40bar Air Compressor
Oil free Screw Air Compressor

Oil free Screw Air Compressor

Oil free Piston Air Compressor

Oil free Piston Air Compressor

Air quality Oil free (TUV Class 0 Certificate) Air cylinder Oil free, Crankcase has oil
Compression Method 2 Stage Screw 3 Stage Piston
Lubricating Medium Pure Water None
Temperature Low: < 55℃, No need for cooling High: 125~200℃, After cooling about 60℃
Cooling Method Air Cooled or Water Cooled (Only one cooler for lubricating water) Water Cooled (Two interstage cooler and one after cooler for compressed air)
Rotate Speed 3000 r/min Ideal Speed 600~900 r/min Low Speed
Vibration and Noise Balance and Simple structure, low vibration and less noise The pistons rise and fall or move back and forth causing too much vibration and Noise
Costs – Purchasing More Less
Costs – Foundation No costs Require foundation and grouting due to high unbalanced forces & high vibration.
Costs – Maintenance Only Air filter elements and Water filter elements High wear & tear of moving parts like piston rings, valves, etc.
Costs – Energy Motor Power: 112kW (1st stage 75kW+2nd stage 37kW)
(e.g. 40bar 10m3/min)
Motor Power: 132kW
(e.g. 40bar 10m3/min)
Capacity Loss There is no loss / very minor loss in Capacity over a period. There is De-ration in Capacity due to wear and tear in-cylinder crankcase, piston rings, pistons, and valves.


High-pressure 30~40bar PET Screw Air Compressor

Model Pressure Capacity Power Noise Dimension(mm) Weight
OTVSE22F(S) 30 bar 2.0m³/min 11+11kW 65dB 3000×1400×1700 1650kg
2900×1400×1700 1250kg
OTVSE37F(S) 30 bar 3.7m³/min 30+11kW 65dB 3000×1400×1700 1650kg
2900×1400×1700 1250kg
OTVSE45F(S) 30 bar 4.5m³/min 30+15kW 65dB 3000×1400×1700 1700kg
2900×1400×1700 1400kg
OTVSE60F(S) 30 bar 6 m³/min 37+22kW 70dB 3000×1400×1700 2000kg
2900×1400×1700 2000kg
OTVSE90F(S) 30 bar 10m³/min 55+37kW 73dB 3600×1750×2000 3000kg
3500×1500×1730 2300kg
OTVSE120F(S) 30 bar 13m³/min 75+45kW 75dB 4000×1750×2000 3500kg
3500×1500×1730 2950kg
OTVSE145S 30 bar 16m³/min 90+55kW 77dB 4000×1700×1800 3500kg
OTVSE185S 30 bar 20m³/min 110+75kW 78dB 4000×1700×1800 4000kg
OTVSE220S 30 bar 24m³/min 132+90kW 78dB 4000×1800×2100 4500kg
OTVSE260S 30 bar 28m³/min 185+75kW 78dB 4200×2000×2100 4700kg
OTVSE315S 30 bar 36m³/min 185+132kW 80dB 4500×2250×2200 5000kg
OTVSE355S 30 bar 40m³/min 220+132kW 80dB 4500×2250×2200 5000kg







